For the fifth year, Good Good Comedy will host its Five Dollar Comedy Week. The comedy festival will run from Sunday, May 21 through Saturday, May 27.
During the week, 30 unique shows that span all forms of comedy will debut. Below are the shows that Good Good Comedy is most excited for this year, but there are tons more.
And yes, you guessed it, each show during Five Dollar Comedy Week is $5.
Comedy Accompanied
Stand-up combines with jazz for this performance.
"The two truly American art forms that people claim to enjoy but watch Netflix instead of attending. Now you can see them both at once," according to Good Good Comedy.
Sunday, May 21
8:30 p.m. | $5
Lyft drivers have seen a lot and they're ready to share their wild and wacky stories.
Friday, May 26
7 p.m. | $5
Tragedy + Time
"A show that attempts to answer the question 'Does Comedy = Tragedy + Time?'," according to Good Good Comedy.
Friday, May 26
11:30 p.m. | $5
Finding Your Fetish (workshop)
Exactly what it sounds like.
"Let The New Dreamz find your fetish. Is it in a shoe? Is it in a whisper? Everybody has a thing that is their thing," reads the show's description.
Saturday, May 27
5 p.m. | $5
Dark Window
It's a "Black Mirror" spoof.
"I’ve decided to tell a heavy-handed story about the dangers of staring at those blank screens… those 'Dark Windows'," states comedian Ari Fishbein.
Saturday, May 27
8:30 p.m. | $5
Fifth Five Dollar Comedy Week
Sunday, May 21 through Saturday, May 27
Each show is $5
Good Good Comedy Theatre
215 N. 11th St.