Find a job in tech at NET/WORK Philly hosts a huge job fair

NET/WORK Philly hosts the NET/WORK job fair.
Jennifer Sun/ Philly
Even if you aren't a techie, you may have heard of, the Philadelphia-founded online hub for tech industry professionals that has branches up and down the East Coast. Philly simultaneously keeps tabs on our local tech world, hosts industry events and serves as a networking hotspot for job seekers and employers. 

On Tuesday, Feb. 10, they'll hold a huge technology job fair called NET/WORK at Union Transfer. With dozens of companies on site and a more casual atmosphere than many fairs, NET/WORK looks perfect for recent grads, freelancers, professionals looking to change up their career and those just looking to make new friends.

NET/WORK is very culture-based. As at any job fair, attendees should be putting their best feet forward, but emphasizes the importance of showing your personality and searching for the best fit among participating companies. 

Throughout the day, you'll be able to drop your resume off for feedback from employers and attend talks from industry leaders on everything from job hunting to open source. Comcast principal software engineer Leslie Chapman also will hold a chat on closing the gender gap in the tech world.  

Suits and ties are optional, but there will be a photo booth for LinkedIn profile shots by Neal Santos, so you'll want to spiffy up. Additional perks include free Hubbub Coffee and an after-party with beer and snacks.


Tuesday, February 10
1-7 p.m. | General Admission: $10, Students: Free
Union Transfer
1026 Spring Garden St.