Ogborn approached 11th Hour before completing the project, and the company helped bring it to life - a backward approach for most commissioned works. "Field Hockey Hot" features a pop score inspired by '80s classics, and Ogborn wrote the book, music and lyrics.
The musical follows the Applebee Academy team on its way to the North American championship. When Applebee's star goalie is hurt just before the big game, the team's coach begins scheming. In a fun twist, the gender-bending cast has men playing the young field hockey players.
Megan Nicole O'Brien directed the play, which stars Alina John, Alex Keiper, Brendan Norton, Michael Philip O'Brien, Jenna Pastuszek, Rob Tucker, Leah Walton, Ali Wetzel and Sean C. White.
Field Hockey Hot
Thursday, March 5 through Sunday, March 22Showtimes vary | $32-$37