July 19, 2016
An FBI dive teams is actively searching underwater near this fishing pier leading into Ocean City.
An FBI dive team is searching the waters near the fishing pier along the Route 52 Causeway, media outlets report.
The pier is attached to the causeway which leads to Ninth Street, the busiest highway into the resort.
The Ocean City Police Department said about 15 agents are working to recover evidence from a crime that a source said was not committed in the Ocean City area. The FBI could be on scene until Thursday, July 21.
According to The Gazette of Ocean City, which had the most details of the search, though still scant, Ocean City Police Capt. Steven Ang said a statement would be released later today.
Ocean City spokesman Doug Bergen issued a press release Tuesday saying residents and visitors “should not be alarmed as there is no threat to public safety and there are no active incidents that this is related to.”
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Special Agent Michael Whitaker, an FBI spokesman, confirmed to the Gazette that an FBI search and response dive team was assisting in an investigation, but declined to provide specifics.
To read the entire Gazette account, click here.