March 17, 2016
A keen-eyed Twitter pal from Michigan sent along a link Thursday regarding Philadelphia’s involvement in the Kalamazoo mass-shooting story.
Specifically, MLive.com reports that investigators have discovered that a complaint purported to have been filed by accused killer Jason Brian Dalton was not filed by him at all.
Rather, “the two-page, hand-written complaint” mailed last Friday came not from the Kalamazoo County Jail, but from someone who mailed it from – wait for it – Philadelphia.
This makes a big difference since Dalton, an Uber driver, is being held at the aforementioned facility after the alleged killing spree.
To wit:
The lawsuit was mailed in an envelope that listed Dalton's name and the Kalamazoo County Jail as a return address but the postmark on the envelope showed it was mailed to Detroit from Philadelphia, Pa.
"That's what alerted us, the Philadelphia postmark," Kalamazoo County Undersheriff Pali Matyas said of his agency's decision to look into the authenticity of the lawsuit.
So, congratulations to whomever decided to make light of six deaths and two injuries. You made your 15-minute mark on the case, so spend the 16th reading the story from Michigan.