February 23, 2015
Local families, firefighters and police officers from the community came out to celebrate 6-year-old Glenn Buratti's birthday after know one showed up to his party.
The Internet can truly be a powerful tool in bringing people together. Members of the community in Osceola County, Florida, proved that when they turned a 6-year-old's no-show birthday party into a day he will never forget.
Ashlee Buratti threw a party earlier this month for her son Glenn, who has mild autism and epilepsy. None of the 16 children from his class who were invited showed up.
Feeling like she had let her son down, she posted to a local Facebook group about how upset she was for him.
Shortly after, local families began showing up with gifts.
Community members showed up with a handful of gifts for Glenn Buratti. (John Buratti/Facebook)
The Osceola County Sheriff's Office also saw the post and sent the sheriff's helicopter to fly over their home. Firefighters and police officers arrived to celebrate with the birthday boy.
Glenn's father, John Buratti, posted a message to Facebook thanking all those who came out. "He had such a great time! I'm sure the neighbors were peeking out of their windows or taking cover. Such an amazing thing for our local law enforcement and fire fighters to do for us. Thank you to everyone involved," he wrote.
This will be a tough birthday to top next year.