ESPN reporter hounded for review of Sixers' Aussie meat pies

Four'N Twenty meat pie.
Four'N Twenty/Facebook

Darren Rovell, ESPN's sports business reporter, is routinely roasted by sites like Deadspin for acting as a bit of a booster for various products and unvarnished public relations campaigns.

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The criticism has obviously never impeded his efforts, or else he wouldn't have been sampling the Sixers' new meat pies, a concession item added at the Wells Fargo Center to riff on Ben Simmons' Australian roots.

Before getting on Rovell's case, I can anecdotally say that I recently tried one (alright, three) of these Four'N Twenty meat pies during a fundraiser for the US Australian Football League's Philadelphia Lady Hawks. They were at Cavanaugh's Headhouse Square celebrating the Australian Football League Grand Final.

These meat pies are something else, let me tell you. They sat tantalizing in a proofing case, glowing under the intense heat lamp, with a tub of gravy right next to it. I will confess that with the gravy, I used a fork and knife. Without the gravy, I just picked it up and ate it like an empanada.

So here's Rovell's review on Twitter. 

There was no gravy, and his use of cutlery apparently was not okay with people from Australia.

Even a police department warned Rovell he wasn't eating his meat pie correctly. 

Rovell has issued several apologies. 

Honestly, the news here is that you should try these meat pies.