The dogs of the 2022 NFL Combine

Opal is a good girl.
Jimmy Kempski/for PhillyVoice

The NFL Combine in Indianapolis is filled with coaches, front office personnel, players, and media. Just as importantly, there are also dogs. On Wednesday morning, I wandered around trying to find them all so that I could get to know them a little better.



From: North Carolina

Likes: Snuggles.

Dislikes: When people don't pet him.

Note: Brutus continuously tried to give me his paw, which I wasn't allowed to accept.


From: Colorado

Likes: Snow.

Dislikes: When bigger dogs try to bully her.


From: Kansas City

Likes: His brothers and sisters (three other dogs, and two cats).

Dislikes: 14-hour work days.


From: Miami

Likes: Playing in the water at the beach, and his stuffies.

Dislikes: No known dislikes.


From: Michigan

Likes: His Kong ball.

Dislikes: Fireworks.


From: Kansas City

Likes: Chasing balls and catching bad guys.

Dislikes: Staying in one spot for too long.

You're welcome for this important service.

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