July 25, 2016
Suffice it to say, Hillary Clinton supporters inside the Wells Fargo Center took exception to Eric Sterling's sign.
Eric Sterling, a delegate from Illinois, strolled past the Lorenzo & Sons pizza stand at the Wells Fargo Center around 8:30 p.m. Monday, holding a sign that used to read “Love Trumps Hate.”
After holding up a business card that stated “I have laryngitis,” the Freedom of Information Act-filing, redaction-averse anthropologist still took a few minutes to explain the message behind his sign, which now read, "Redacted Emails Trump Love."
“Going through Hillary’s emails as secretary of state, we all know about that, now the DNC as well, in the last week, 19,000. [Debbie] Wasserman Schultz is out on her a--,” he said.
“Bernie people have been screaming about this for eight months, and the press has not been listening and all a sudden, it’s a combination of Russia, Wikileaks and whatever? The Russians are against her because Trump is in with the Russians? C’mon, conspiracy theories. Jesus," he continued. “When you have to hide what you’re doing, it’s a problem.”
As for the reaction he’s been getting inside the Wells Fargo Center, Sterling said it was mixed.
“From the Bernie people, it’s usually pretty positive,” he said. “Obviously, it’s really negative from the Hillary people. They don’t want to hear anything bad about her.”
He also weighed in on Clinton’s running mate, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, specifically how it could impact any notion of intraparty unity.
“If she went with Elizabeth Warren, I think most Bernie delegates would have jumped on board,” he said. “It was the one really, really conservative Democrat versus a more conservative Democrat, and she went with the more conservative Democrat?”