Comedy events in the first half of August include a returning improvisational show inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, a show at Citizens Bank Park featuring a secret lineup and the next stage of the Philly's Phunniest Person competition.
Meanwhile, a bar in Old City will host an event where stand-up comedians will also double as DJs after performing. As Philly continues to deal with unbearable heat, these hilarious attractions should provide some respite and laughs.
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Here are a handful of comedy events to look out for in the next two weeks:
Don't Tell Comedy Philadelphia at Citizens Bank Park
Don't Tell Comedy is a group that puts on pop-up comedy shows around the country, and its biggest one in Philly is happening on Saturday, Aug. 3. The group isn't keeping it a secret that it'll throw its next show at Citizens Bank Park, but organizers remain tight-lipped on who will appear in it.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and ticket holders can buy ballpark food and drinks and hang out in the Hall of Fame Club until the show begins at 8 p.m. in the stadium's media room. Don't Tell Comedy's Philly chapter aims for the experience to be unique, offering photogenic views of the ballpark and teasing an appearance from the Phillie Phanatic.
While the lineup remains unknown until the show itself, Don't Tell Comedy routinely books comics who have appeared on Netflix, HBO and Comedy Central. Tickets are $50.
Roll Play: An Improvised Adventure
Since production company SideQuest Theater opened the doors to its performance space, the troupe has been running a regular program of weekend shows and improv classes. SideQuest's flagship event "Roll Play" is returning with performances through August.
Billed as "Whose Line is it Anyway?" crossed with Dungeons & Dragons, the live and interactive fantasy show depicts an adventure that is heavily influenced by audience suggestions and dice rolls. Shows take place at the Adrienne Theatre on 2030 Sansom St. every Friday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m.
Shows will run from Aug. 2-25 and tickets cost $25.
Philly's Phunniest Semifinals
Helium Comedy Club's annual competition of Philly stand-up comics continues through the first full week of August. Philly's Phunniest Person Competition had 250 local comedians fighting for laughs and a prize of $3,000. Each round of the competition has a different lineup, with the audience voting on their favorite and the winner of each round moving on to the next stage.
Three semifinal rounds are scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 4; Tuesday, Aug. 6; and Thursday, Aug. 8. The shows begin at 7 p.m. on all nights. Helium Comedy Club is located at 2031 Sansom St. and general admission tickets are $20, with a two-item minimum at the venue. Check out the upcoming lineups on the ticketing website.
Close Quarters Comedy: Knee Slappers and Record Scratchers
Get a good mix of music and comedy at the "Knee Slappers and Record Scratchers" event at 48 Record Bar, at 48 South 2nd St. in Old City. Six local comedians gathered by Close Quarters Comedy will perform their routines, and afterward, they'll take over the turntables and play their favorite tunes.
The lineup consists of Jay Simpson, Tan Hoang, Jem Seidel, Jacqueline Blizzard, Adam Flick and Charlie Gibson. The event is Sunday, Aug. 11, with doors opening at 7:30 p.m. and the show beginning at 8 p.m. Tickets are $17.65 and 48 Record Bar requests a two-drink minimum.