Celebrities send their awkward puberty photos to Colbert for Puerto Rico fundraiser

Colbert Kroll
Actor Nick Kroll has a laugh as host Stephen Colbert shows a pubescent picture of himself in an episode of The Late Show on Wednesday night. Colbert said his Americone Dream ice cream fund would donate $1,000 to the hurricane relief effort in Puerto Rico for each awkward pubescent-phase picture celebrities post on Twitter with the hashtag "PuberMe."
Late Show with Stephen Colbert/YouTube

Social media got awkward for a charitable cause this week.

Thanks to an effort kicked off by Late Show host Stephen Colbert and his guest Wednesday night, actor Nick Kroll, celebrities promptly flooded Twitter with pictures from their pubescent years to raise funds for the ongoing disaster relief efforts in Puerto Rico, which was devastated last week by Hurricane Maria.

Colbert and Kroll had been discussing Kroll's new Netflix show, "Big Mouth," an animated adult sitcom following teenage friends who experience just how freakin' weird puberty can be.

Naturally, Colbert and Kroll then shared their own pubescent photos on the air and launched the hashtag "PuberMe," inviting celebrities to join in.

Colbert then suggested using the game for a nice cause.

"Let's make this interesting," Colbert said. "For every celebrity that puts up puberty picture of when they're 13, I'll give a donation."

"And I'll match that donation," Kroll said, prompting an ovation from the audience.

Colbert's Americone Dream fund is set to donate $1,000 for each celebrity photo that includes the hashtags "PuberMe" and "PuberRicoRelief," he said, although he had the right to decide who is and isn't a celebrity.

Here are a few of the super awkward photos broadcast to the world this week for charity: