Bucks County hospital gives free wigs to cancer patients

The wigs are free and come in all styles and colors.
Eric Gay/AP

A Bucks County hospital, in partnership with the American Cancer Society, now offers free wigs to cancer patients, CBSPhilly reports.

St. Mary Medical Center in Langhorne is the first hospital in the county to offer free wigs. Patients can make an appointment for a personal fitting and get a free hair piece in their style and color of choice.

“All the fittings are done individually,” Jeanette Stemen, director of the hospital's oncology program, told CBSPhilly. “And we gather from the patient what style, color, preference they have, and we pull wigs from our inventory to be prepared for the appointment. Being able to offer something for free and give that support to patients and also make them feel good while they’re going through this treatment, which is not only life altering, but can be image altering.”

Stemen explained that the free wigs can greatly benefit patients, as the hair pieces can be expensive and may not be covered by insurance.

The wigs are even offered to those not getting treatment at St. Mary or even in Bucks County.