May 17, 2018
Motorists entering Brigantine via Brigantine Boulevard are welcomed to the shore town by the lighthouse at Lighthouse Circle.
Brigantine is like Atlantic City’s laid back, much quieter relative.
At one point Brigantine was almost named “North Atlantic City" — that’s how close the two shore towns are to each other. What one lacks in nightlife and excitement it gains tranquility. Brigantine is home to a pretty vibrant community; it’s a place for families to fish, swim, enjoy the quieter beaches.
It’s a small island, but locals identify it by either The Cove, the main beach area, or The Jetty a famous spot for surfers.
Here’s what you need to know to visit Brigantine this summer.
Here are the rates.
• Seasonal: $15 through the month of May, $20.00 starting June 1
• Daily: $10
• Weekly: $15
• Seniors (60-64): $8 during May, $20 after May 31
• Senior over 65: Free with identification
• Active Military Members: One tag per person is free
If the beach is in operation, you can purchase tags from inspectors. Tags can also be purchased through the new app called Viply or at the Beach Fee Office, at 265 42nd St. and is open from December through September, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Or, you can call the Fee Office at (609) 264-7350 ext.1.
The Brigantine Beach Patrol hours are from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Memorial Day weekend for weekends only at the Second and 15th street beaches. Starting June 15, full staffing goes into effect for almost the entire length of the beach until Labor Day (full list of guarded beaches here). After Labor Day, three beaches — Second, 15th and 26th streets — remain guarded for three weekends.
The big difference between Brigantine and many other Jersey Shore towns is that you can park your car on the beach. But you’ll need to register your license plate and get a permit that’ll run you up to $200. And remember to bring the permits — which you can buy in the Beach Fee Office where you get your beach tags — with you when you park on the sand.
Brigantine is a big biking town, too. Check out beach bike rules and practices before you go.
You’ll need a permit to park in a municipal parking lot. They require a $25 permit for the season and $8 for the day. You can purchase these permits at any city office.
Here are all of the lots to choose from:
• 2nd Street and Roosevelt Blvd.
• 16th Street and Ocean Avenue
• 34th Street and Ocean Avenue
• 38th Street and Ocean Avenue
• 26th Street and Ocean Avenue
Here’s a running calendar of all the local events. And you can find an entire list of places to eat here. The Brigantine Beach Guide also rated all the restaurants in the area and ranked them. Check it out.
There’s a very active quilting group , farmers markets, movies on the beach and a recurring art walk . There are summer programs and internships for kids with the Marine Mammal Stranding Center, too.
Brigantine Beach municipal website | Brigantine Beach Chamber of Commerce | BrigantineNow.com has local news and events