August 29, 2015
One of the less controversial but consistently present themes of Donald Trump's presidential campaign has been his love of the Bible.
The Republican hopeful, who continues to dominate polls, has touted his Presbyterian faith in recent speeches and interviews, calling Christianity's most important book his favorite (with "The Art of The Deal" as his second favorite, of course).
In an interview with Bloomberg Wednesday, Trump dodged a question about his favorite Bible verses, calling the subject "personal." Yet while he won't reveal which passage is the one he likes best, Twitter was more than happy to choose for him.
The tweets that followed when #TrumpBible started trending weren't directly lifted from the book. Instead, they inserted the billionaire and reality television star into biblical times, skewing well-known parts of the New and Old Testaments with a dash of "The Donald." Here are some of the most creative takes on the Bible, according to Trump:
He approached Jesus to kiss him, but Jesus said to him, "Judas, you're FIRED." #TrumpBible
— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) August 26, 2015
"Blessed are the rich in spirit. The poor are a bunch of losers and chumps." -- #TrumpBible
— Rand Simberg (@Rand_Simberg) August 26, 2015
#TrumpBible The Romans are the best. Just the best. You've got to know how to talk to them. You like that aqueduct? I like the aqueduct.
— April Daniels (@1aprildaniels) August 26, 2015
Scribe: Which is the greatest commandment? Jesus: Sit down. Nobody called on you. Go back to Jerusalem. #TrumpBible
— Brian Zahnd (@BrianZahnd) August 27, 2015
Paul? he's a hero bc he wrote some letters from prison? Personally I like people who weren’t captured. #TrumpBible
— Matt Childers (@MattChilders87) August 29, 2015
He gets himself crucified, and we're to call him Savior! He's a loser; couldn't save himself! I like guys that weren't crucified.#TrumpBible
— TheCultOfRay (@EduExpIntel) August 29, 2015
"Love your neighbor as yourself. Unless your neighbor is illegal. Or Mexican. Or Rosie O'Donnell. Same difference." #TrumpBible
— Caitlin Medlar (@tehSilverBard) August 29, 2015
#TrumpBible Noah knew how to build a boat. What a beauty. He probably went bankrupt twice, max! Good businessman. Bit of a drunk, tho.
— almightygod (@almightygod) August 29, 2015
"Thou shalt not wear clothing of mixed fabrics, unless it's the classiest, most luxurious hairpiece." #TrumpBible
— Samuel Peter Harris (@verbum_ex) August 29, 2015
"Can anything good come out of Nazareth? I mean, I'm sure some of them are good people and all. But mostly we get their worst." #TrumpBible
— Rachel Held Evans (@rachelheldevans) August 27, 2015
God took six days to create the universe & then needed a day of rest? Lazy & inefficient. Would have taken me three days. Tops. #TrumpBible
— Edgar Allan Poe (@Edgar_Allan_Poe) August 29, 2015
The trend became so popular that it spawned an account dedicated to #TrumpBible, which already has more than 60,000 followers. The account was actually launched in 2012, according to the page, but it looks like whoever runs it is now capitalizing on the viral sensation.
Great flood, total disaster. Totally mismanaged by Noah, not a smart guy, total loser, couldn't even save the dinosaurs. #TrumpBible
— Trump Bible (@TheTrumpBible) August 28, 2015
Look I like Jesus. Anyone that can feed 5k people with 2 fish is sharp. Big mistake not charging. But I still like him. #TrumpBible
— Trump Bible (@TheTrumpBible) August 29, 2015