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August 28, 2023

The benefits of a personal trainer

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Whether you’re new to exercising or looking to take your current workout regimen up a notch, working with a personal trainer can be a great way to help you reach your fitness goals. Here are some benefits a personal trainer can provide.


For starters, working with a personal trainer provides you with additional motivation to exercise.

We all know that belonging to a gym or health club and not using it is a waste of money. But many people continue to pay for it, thinking that the monthly credit card charge will eventually motivate them to begin going. That strategy is often not successful. Not attending a personal training session that you’ve already paid for, however, might be another story.

There’s a human aspect as well as a financial one. If you find a personal trainer you like, you may not want to waste their time — or disappoint them — by skipping a session. Having someone that will hold you accountable may also make you work out even harder than you would if you were exercising alone.


Whether you want to lose weight, gain strength, or just improve your general fitness, a personal trainer can work with you to put together an exercise routine to help you meet your personal goals. They also can make sure the routine takes into account your current state of fitness as well as any conditions you may have, such as diabetes or high cholesterol.

More bang for your exercise buck

Being able to see the benefits of your workouts is another reason to work with a personal trainer. They can help you choose both the types of exercises and specific exercises that will best help you meet your goals. If you’ve been exercising and feel as though you’re not making any progress toward your goals, a personal trainer could help you start seeing results.

Personal trainers also know enough exercises that they can add some variety to your exercise sessions, even if all the sessions are attempting to accomplish the same things. That will make your sessions more interesting, which will make them more enjoyable.

Form and safety

Personal trainers can also help you with your exercise form.

Whether you’re working out at a gym or virtually at home, a trainer can help you do the exercises the way they’re supposed to be done. That ensures that each exercise will work the muscle groups it’s supposed to, so you’ll get the maximum benefits offered by your workout.

It also reduces the risk that you’ll hurt yourself by doing an exercise improperly. That’s especially true if you are just starting to exercise; resuming exercising for the first time in months or years; or exercising to rehabilitate yourself after an injury.

A personal trainer also can structure the exercises in your routines, and how often you work out, in a way that gives everything from specific muscle groups to your entire body an adequate amount of recovery time.

The bottom line

Personal trainers can help boost your motivation to exercise and the benefits you get from exercising. They also can make exercising more enjoyable and safer. Even if you just want to brush up on your exercise form before resuming working out by yourself, a personal trainer may be worth considering.

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