West Philly's Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll goes virtual for 2020

Help support local businesses by purchasing $1 raffle tickets

Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll
The Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll in West Philly will be a virtual event this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Raffle tickets can be purchased online for chances to win prize packs from local businesses.
Courtesy of/University City District

West Philly's Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll is going virtual for 2020 due to COVID-19. At the popular, end-of-summer street festival, businesses offer $1 deals up and down the avenue, plus there's live music and family-friendly entertainment.

While crowds can't gather together this year for the event, the University City District remains determined to recreate it online.

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Through June 24, the community can support Baltimore Avenue businesses by purchasing $1 raffle tickets for chances to win one of three prize packs featuring gift certificates and goods.

Every dollar raised will be evenly distributed among the participating businesses, which include Dock Street Brewery, Vientiane Cafe, Curio Theatre Company, Renata’s Kitchen, Dahlak and many more.

Raffle tickets can be purchased online. Winners will be selected on June 26 and notified shortly after.

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