October 10, 2015
Pennsylvania's Judicial Conduct Board has accused Attorney General Kathleen Kane of holding back offensive emails circulated by Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin, numerous media outlets report.
The board suggested Kane had undermined its investigation of the judge.
The board last year cleared Eakin of wrongdoing, but said Friday it now believes it was not given all of the emails the Attorney General had collected from the judge.
Kane herself raised the issue of Eakin's offensive emails on Oct. 1. She said at that time she had once again provided copies of the emails to the conduct board.
The emails include religiously offensive material, makes light of domestic violence and others are racist.
Kane had refused to make the emails public, but copies were leaked to the Philadelphia Daily News.
Her comments came after the Supreme Court suspended her law license pending the outcome of a criminal case against her.
Kane has been charged with improperly leaking secret grand jury information as a means of punishing an enemy who once worked for her.