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June 28, 2022

Adventure Aquarium celebrates Genny the hippo turning 22 in 2022

The 'one in a melon' birthday bash includes themed treats, a visit from the national watermelon queen and opportunities to donate to hippo conservation efforts

Genny Hippo Adventure Aquarium Source/Adventure Aquarium

Genny, a Nile hippo at Camden's Adventure Aquarium, turns 22 on July 10. From Friday, July 1, to Sunday, July 10, visitors can celebrate by taking part in special festive opportunities and experiences, many centered on watermelon: Genny's favorite snack.

Genny, a Nile hippo at Camden's Adventure Aquarium, is feelin' 22.

To celebrate her turning 22 in 2022 – the aquarium is hosting several festive events leading up to the big day, July 10, as part of "Genny's Super Sweet Birthday Bash."

From Friday, July 1, to Sunday, July 10, aquarium visitors can participate in what Adventure Aquarium calls a "one-in-a-melon" birthday bash, including specially curated opportunities and experiences, most of which are related to Genny's favorite sweet treat: watermelon.

With a $1 donation to the Adventure Aquarium ACTS conservation fund, an initiative that supports conservation efforts and community involvement, visitors can wish Genny a happy birthday with a personalized, watermelon-themed "Genny-Gram" that will be hung up all week long.

The aquarium's menu will be getting a Genny-inspired makeover during the week of her birthday bash. Since her favorite snack is watermelon, watermelon-themed cupcakes, alcoholic and non-alcoholic watermelon ICEEs, and Flying Fish Watermelon Splash beer will be available for purchase.

Though Genny is a bit of a watermelon queen herself, the actual reigning 2022 Watermelon Queen, Bethany Barfield of Florida, will be available for meet-and-greets and photo ops with guests on Saturday, July 9, and Sunday, July 10.

2022-National-Watermelon-Queen.jpgCourtesy of/Adventure Aquarium

The 2022 National Watermelon Queen, Bethany Barfield, will join the birthday bash July 9 and 10.

Another special guest to the celebration is Philadelphia "melon master" Chef Joseph Poon, known for his intricate watermelon art. He will be at the aquarium on Genny's official birthday, July 10, to carve an over-the-top melon sculpture for the hippo.

Visitors also can book a Hippo Encounter for $74.99-per-person as an admission add-on to get up close and personal with Genny and fellow hippo Button. 

Adventure Aquarium is commemorating another big birthday this year – its own 30th! Genny's birthday bash is part of a larger, year-long celebration of the aquarium's three decades in Camden.

In a press release, Adventure Aquarium jokes that when asked what she wants for her birthday, Genny replied: "the answer is simple... WA-TER-MEL-ON... please and thank you!"

Genny-Hippo-Watermelon.jpgCourtesy of/Adventure Aquarium

Genny the hippo enjoying a “cake” made of her favorite snack: watermelon.

Considering hippos eat up to 88 pounds of food each night, we hope the birthday girl gets all the celebratory watermelon her heart desires.

Genny's Super Sweet Birthday Bash

Friday, July 1 to Sunday, July 10
9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. | $18.99-$44.99
Adventure Aquarium
1 Riverside Dr., Camden, NJ 08103

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