More Health:

February 28, 2017

Four foods that have more vitamin C than oranges

Healthy Eating Vitamins

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Plate of Chopped Kiwi Rawpixel/for PhillyVoice

When you think of vitamin C, what do you think of? Probably oranges or orange juice. Right? Not quite.

In the 1920s, a biochemist rallied fear around a vague condition called Acidosis, where an alleged excess of acid in the bloodstream due to a vitamin-deficient diet caused fatigue. The “Vitamania” movement ensued, and brands jumped on the opportunity to market their products as the vitamin-rich Acidosis cure.

Today, we see more fresh-squeezed orange juice ready for pickup; it’s tangy, pulpy, and yes, has vitamin C. But other foods actually have more or similar amounts of vitamin C as oranges, which contain about 70 mg -- they just lack the power of an expensive marketing campaign.

Here are other great sources:

1. Yellow Bell Peppers

The color of a bell pepper reflects it's ripeness, and each stage of ripeness has a different vitamin composition. Most varieties of bell peppers change from green, to yellow, to red, with yellow containing the most vitamin C. A large yellow bell pepper contains 341 mg of vitamin C, which provides much more than most people’s daily vitamin C requirement (75-90 mg). 

2. Kale (and other leafy greens)

Depending on the leaf, the taste of kale can vary from bitter, to peppery, to plain, but all variations have about 80.4 vitamin C per serving. 

If you hate the taste but want to incorporate it into your diet, try 1) massaging your kale 2) making kale chips (recipe here), or 3) blending it into a tasty fruit smoothie. You might be asking what it means to massage kale, but it’s really not that strange! All it entails is dumping your kale into a bowl and yes, massaging it with your hands to break down the enzymes so it’s not as bitter. 

3. Mangoes

They are nature’s gift for us to indulge in spring and summer. They have 122.3 mg 
of vitamin C, making mangoes especially great for skin care as well as eating. To utilize mangoes on your skin, try rubbing the pulp on your face and body to replenish dull and dead skin. They are renowned for dulling dark skin spots, minimizing blemishes and blackheads, and leaving your skin looking dewy and refreshed. 

4. Kiwi

Have you been taught to trash the skin of kiwi? Surprisingly, kiwi skin is completely edible and nutrient dense with vitamin C (90 mg) and fiber! Yes, it may be a bit fuzzy, but as long as you wash the skin it’s perfectly safe to eat. Embrace the power of kiwi in your cooking with this Easy Kiwi Salsa recipe. 

Not only will these foods boost your immune system; they also help to lower hypertension, combat strokes, prevent cataracts and can even assist in treating scurvy. Your body will love you for adding these vitamin-C packed foods to your diet.

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