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August 31, 2017

Learn how to go beyond networking and become a connector at this event

Content sponsored by POWER Women Native Badge

POWER event at Union League Pictures by Todd/The POWER of Professional WoMen

Join hundreds of women and men who are dedicated to the development of Philly's next generation of leaders.

If you attend a lot of networking events, you know the drill: swap business cards, engage in small talk and then connect on LinkedIn the next day. Here’s the problem – this repetitive networking routine rarely leads to groundbreaking relationships or ideas. The most powerful business alliances are forged when you go beyond simply networking and truly connect with others. So how do you that?

Join The Power of Professional Women at The Union League on Thursday, September 14 as Nancy Dunleavy, Founder & CEO of Dunleavy & Associates, shares her insights on how to effectively connect with people in a powerful keynote titled “Beyond Networking: Become a connector, not a collector.” Dunleavy is a Philadelphia "Top 101 Connector," Philadelphia Business Journal Woman of Distinction, and the owner of a top 100 woman-owned business.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to connect with other professionals, enjoy a fantastic lunch at one of the city’s most iconic venues and learn from Nancy’s highly-interactive and humorous presentation based on her book “Exercise your Ask Muscle – the no weight workout with proven results.”

Register for this POWER-filled event here.

Beyond Networking: Become a connector, not a collector

Thursday, September 14
11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
The Union League of Philadelphia
$55 POWER members | $65 non-members 
140 S. Broad St. 
Philadelphia, PA 19102
