September 15, 2016
This week in cool quotes from the presidential race, we have Donald Trump’s namesake son talking to a local radio host about media coverage in the campaign.
Specifically, Donald Trump Jr. was talking to Chris Stigall on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT on Wednesday about how positive media coverage has kept Hillary Clinton afloat in the race.
Never mind the fact that a whole heckuva lot of free press kept his daddy viable in the Republican primary. Nope, Junior sees things differently as it pertains to Clinton getting kid-gloved to “get Bernie Sanders out of this thing.”
Here’s the money line, though:
“If Republicans were doing that,” he said, “they’d be warming up the gas chamber right now.”
Now that’s some solid imagery, son.
Figuring the fact that Wednesday’s interview is just getting media legs today, it’s safe to assume the Trump campaign will have to respond at some point.
Let’s get out in front of that, though, since they’re not big on walking back offensive statements. It could go one of two ways, provided the campaign doesn't just ignore or shrug it off as the big bad media making an issue out of something that isn't.
LISTEN: You can hear the Stigall/Trump Jr. interview below. The comment comes after the 10:36 mark of an 11-minute, 45-second interview.
According to the Death Penalty Information Center, just five states (Arizona, California, Missouri, Oklahoma and Wyoming) treat the gas chamber as an authorized method of execution.
Could they go that route when formulating their spin? Uh, sure, "the media oversees 'The Green Mile,'" is one approach, I guess.
Of course, there are some alt-right connotations tied to gas chambers going back to Nazi Germany. Could they go that route when formulating their spin? Uh, unless they're planning on invoking a media as Joseph Goebbels' defense, probably not.
Either way, this is just another example of patent ignorance. Try to think of a situation where the press executed political parties whether in the name of law enforcement or genocide. You can't, can you?
Then again, considering Clinton has a big lead over Trump amongst Jewish voters, maybe they just don't care what the Anti-Defamation League thinks anymore.
This race makes no sense on so damn many levels. It can’t be over soon enough.