March 16, 2017
A recent poll found that once again, New Jersey voters aren't very fond of the job Gov. Chris Christie is doing leading the state.
A Quinnipiac University Poll says that 76 percent disapprove of Christie, down slightly from a 78-percent disapproval rating in late January, according to results published Wednesday.
Seventy-seven percent also said that Christie won't get much done during his last year representing the Garden State, while 71 percent that his run for president during the 2016 election was a bad idea for New Jersey.
Poll takers also had the option to give Christie a letter grade for his job performance.
So how'd he do? Not well. Thirty-one percent gave him an "F," while 25 percent went with "D."
"The big question about Gov. Christopher Christie seems to be: How low can his job approval go? Can he bounce back even a little bit before his term expires?" said Maurice Carroll, assistant director of the poll.
As Christie's term comes to an end, Quinnipiac also asked voters who they would vote for in the upcoming primaries that will be held in June.
Both Democratic candidate Phil Murphy and Republican Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno lead in the polling for their party's primary elections, with Murphy leading by 22 points in a poll for a potential general election matchup. Twenty-five percent of residents said they were unsure as to who they would vote for.
The poll was conducted between March 9-13 with more than 1,000 registered voters via phone.
See Quinnipiac's complete results here.