June 28, 2017
Two marches opposing each other are scheduled to take place in Philadelphia over the Fourth of July weekend.
A "March for Donald Trump" is planned for Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; it was organized in response to an "Impeachment March" expected to happen at the same time.
The march, which aims to show "solidarity and support" for the president, according to its Facebook event page, will begin near The Irish Memorial on Front and Chestnut streets and will end at Logan Square. The event has 36 RSVPs and 145 people "interested" in attending.
"With constant media bias and fake news continuously attacking our president, it is important we stand up and show he has our support!" the "March for Trump" event page reads. "We cannot continue to allow our youth and nation to be brainwashed by the likes of media outlets like CNN, and other globalist networks."
Philadelphia's "Impeachment March," a sister event to many others like it across the country, will begin Sunday at 10 a.m. at the People's Plaza near the Liberty Bell. The event has more than 230 RSVPs on Facebook.
"Donald Trump has been in violation of the Constitution from the day he was sworn into the office of President," its event page reads. "We cannot abide a Congress that turns a blind eye to the constitutional breaches of our Commander in Chief. We demand that Congress does its job and commences with impeachment proceedings immediately."
Two permit applications for the marches are pending in the City of Philadelphia Office of Special Events, said city spokesperson Ajeenah Amir.
Amir said that the permit for the "Impeachment March" is awaiting the National Park Service's designation of a starting point since the event is scheduled on federal property.
A "March for Trump" organizer also adjusted its route and timeline to "eliminate conflict" with the opposing event, Amir said.
Earlier this year, dozens of Trump supporters marched through Philadelphia, similarly drawing a crowd of counter-protesters.