June 11, 2017
Activists plan to rally in Philadelphia to call for the impeachment of President Donald Trump.
The Facebook event for the march, scheduled for July 2, calls on Congress do "its job" and commence "with impeachment proceedings immediately."
Among the reasons for impeachment the event organizers give is former FBI Director James Comey's recent testimony in which he said Trump told him he hoped Comey could let go of the investigation into Trump's former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
Constitutional lawyers have given varying answers on whether Trump potentially attempted to obstruct justice, an often vague and difficult crime to pin down.
While Trump responded to Comey's testimony by essentially saying the man he fired had lied to Congress, the president didn't explicitly deny asking the former director to drop the investigation.
The march organizers also cite Trump calling the press the "enemy of the people" and his unfounded claim that his predecessor Barack Obama wiretapped him as grounds for impeachment.
So far, the event has a little more than 100 RSVPs, but the exact location has yet to be determined.
In March, Trump supporters rallied in Philly, drawing counter-protesters and a police presence.